Thursday, March 29, 2012

Interview With Mr. B

I consider Richard Bernstein a very admirable person. His admirable qualities are numerous, but one stands out more than the others: his ability to use his positive attitude to instill a sense of confidence and drive in someone. This is something he does as a guidance counselor, and as the coach of the Cross Country team at Ithaca High School.
            Originally Rich wanted to play basketball. He tried out for the basketball team at the college he attended, Syracuse University. Today the Syracuse University basketball team is considered one of the top college teams in the nation. So, even though Rich didn’t make the team, the attempt is still impressive. He kept playing basketball though, and participated in an intramural team. He continued to live in Syracuse after graduating and taught, and was introduced to an activity that would soon become a new passion; jogging.  He joined the Syracuse track club, and began running over 100 miles per week. “I kinda fell in love with the sport.” Bernstein reminisces.
            After getting married, the Bernstein’s relocated to Ithaca, New York, where Rich applied for a job as the assistant track coach on the Ithaca High School track team. To his surprise he was given the job of the head track coach! Soon after beginning work he realized his passion was geared more towards strictly distance running, and so two years later, Richard Bernstein became a cross-country coach.  
            Mr. Bernstein has established himself as respected guidance counselor and well loved cross-country coach, and has a great schedule set for his runners. “For 4 to 5 weeks it’s just easy running; getting a base in about 30 to 45 minutes a day. Then there are long runs, a tempo work out, and one speed work out a week. The boys take a day off every ten days and girls take a day off every week. Some cross train, and flexibility is key.”
            Rich says that one of the most gratifying parts of his job is hearing back from a previous high school runner. “Getting a message from a past cross country kid saying “I ran my first marathon!” – That’s what makes my day.” “My goal is to have this as their life support…to have a passion just to run,” he says.
            Richard Bernstein’s positive attitude and passion for the sport certainly shine, and his passion is contagious: he has made me more and more excited to continue the processes of becoming a runner.
            “If you’re stressed, just put on your shoes and go for a run.”  

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Workout Playlist!

Hey everyone, so one thing I absolutely can not exercise without is music! It pumps me up and keeps me energized; motivates me to keep going even when I feel tired. I've been researching why, and here are some facts and fun things to think about!

"Good tunes drown out our inner conversations (those of the “I’m bored-tired-hungry-bloated-nauseous-unable-to-breathe” variety). Who’s feeling sorry for herself while thumping along to Fer-ga-li-cious? Not me." 

"A good playlist can cancel out fatigue not just in our minds, but in our bodies, too. Kravitz reports that the “byproduct molecules of high level exercise” — chemicals that cause fatigue — can be reversed by music. How cool is that?"

"Music has been found to influence our motor coordination. That’s why music therapists use music to help patients overcome motor control conditions. And in exercisers, music not only increases endurance and motivation, but also helps us move more efficiently at a faster pace."

SO. This has inspired me to make a workout playlist for all you readers (and for myself). Many websites, like Seventeen Magazine, Marie Claire, etc. have playlists of pump up songs for workouts that they advertise on their websites. 

But here's one of my own: 

Chainless - Tinashe
Colours (Remix) - Skizzy Mars
Domino - Jesse J
The Motto - Drake / Lil Wayne
Let It Out - Girl Talk
6 Foot 7 Foot - Lil Wayne
Super Bass - Nicki Minaj
Starships - Nicki Minaj 
Bass Down Low - The Cateracts 
Work It - Missy Elliot 
Live This Life - Big Sean ft. Dream 
California Girl - Cisco Adler ft. Shwayze 
Favourite Song - Colbie Caillat and Common
Levels - Avicii
Fade Into Darkness - Avicii
Wild Ones - Flo Rida feat. Sia 

These are just some, but they are great ones!! Enjoy :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Interests: In terms of interest, I am really interested in finding ways to create a healthier lifestyle, and.. simply put.. not so interested in the running itself. This is something I have just realized, and though it seems like a let down, I don't think it really is. I think realizations like that will only make my project stronger. AND that does not by any means mean I will stop running or run any less, it just might mean I look at my project in a new light, and maybe take it in a different direction... where that is we will see..

Information: I really don't have much information. This is a problem. I have resources, as can be found in my bibliography, but I haven't used them much. I am going to start researching different aspects of running/fitness/health to find inspiration, therefore I will be gathering a lot of information and hopefully learning a lot as well. Though I need to do a lot of research, I have learned a lot about  myself and my body and fitness level. I know that when I take a break from running for more than a day at a time, I fall way behind again. Its like every day I work out is a half a step forward, and every day I don't is 2 steps back. This just means I need to take that into consideration, work hard to get to the gym every day (except rest days,) and not beat myself up if I don't feel up to running a long run. Anyways, I'm going to start researching a lot more now.

Insight: I'm seeing my project in a different way now, well, I hope I will be soon, but right now I'm kind of stuck... I'm following my plan of working out and running, but I don't think that's a great WISE project in its entirety.. Originally I was going to travel to Chicago in May for a 10k race but that option is quite dysfunctional, therefore I need to find a new direction to go in. I am looking into a triathalon in late April, and one in June.

Inspiration: This is what I am looking to find!!! I think I want to look at fitness sections of magazines/ fitness magazines for some inspiration, because they usually have a good smattering of ideas and things to get involved in/ new active things to try. I need to find some quality inspiration to continue and develop my project. By doing research online and in magazines etc I think I will become inspired when I find interesting information. That is my hope anyways!!

Will update soon..

Sunday, March 25, 2012


SOOOO I have really been slacking on blogging lately... Partially because I have been slacking on working out.

BUT I have a legitimate excuse. A little over a week ago, on a Thursday, I went to the Cornell track to run and do bleacher runs. It was fabulous. I felt great, it was beautiful out, I watched the sunset as I ran up the top of Scholkopf (really not sure how to spell that..) 

However, as soon as I got home I was aching allllll over. For a while I thought it was because of my workout, but then I found out I had a fever... so the rest of that weekend I didn't work out. Then on Monday I went to the gym, but didn't have much luck as my head was pounding with every stride I took. Sooo I rested, went again on Tuesday, and felt a bit better... But then I developed the cough. 

The cough has limited my progress A LOT. I STILL have it. Though it is definitely getting better, It keeps me running a mile or less every time I work out. I guess I should have waited longer before getting back to the gym, it probably only furthered the sickness I was feeling.

Oh well, you live and learn...
I'm going tomorrow though, I can't not!

- Rachel

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The magical iPhone...

Hey everybody! Today I'm in a great mood and very energized. I think this is because of a few things. One, yesterday my mom told me I am looking more toned than I did even a few weeks ago. Positive reinforcement is always great :) also, it is absolutely gorgeous outside. ( so why am I currently on the elliptical ? ) well anyways I'm feeling good, and I'm about to download the Nike + app for my iPhone. My wise mentor told me a out it and I think I would really benefit from it. It tracks the number of miles you run and tells you your best times and distances. I'm a big goal setter, and am usually better at working towards them when I have reinforcement from someone else, even if it is a digital voice on my iPhone. Speaking of my iPhone, which I have been using as an iPod for my workouts as well, it takes amazing pictures. Check out this picture from a trail run last week!

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Weekend

Hey guys,

So this weekend I spent my days babysitting... so I guess I earned my physical activity points doing that..

But honestly, it's exhausting! I sat for six hours on Saturday and ten hours Sunday. But on Friday I had a great work out at the gym that left me a little sore on Saturday.

I'm looking forward to getting back to the gym this week :)
I have WISE tomorrow and I'm also meeting with my mentor, so I'll post again then.
- Rachel

Friday, March 9, 2012


I actually was able to get to the gym Wednesday and Thursday! I've been incorporating a lot more elliptical time into my work outs, and I've found that it actually helps me when I run, because it warms up my muscles. By the time I get on the treadmill, I'm already stretched and ready to go; I don't  have to spend .10 of a mile speed walking to gradually work my heart rate up.

I'm leaving for the gym in about 10 minutes, I'm exhausted but I'm going to try to get a good two hours of exercise in.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I forgot...

I forgot about my workout update..

So today I went to the gym and did about an hour on the elliptical and ran one mile, and then did some arm weights and stretched a lot. Tomorrow I am taking a rest day I think... because I have no way of getting to the gym. 

We'll see!
- Rachel

day of progress!!

Hey everyone,

     Today I secured a new mentor! I know, I'm way behind on that... It's because I had one picked out, but mentoring turned out to be too much work for him. Totally understandable, as it means a lot of meetings, and effort put in to helping me progress on my journey through the WISE project. My new mentor is Ms Gergely, and I'm very excited to work with her!

     She has recently become an avid runner, and has had experience running in several 5k races. This experience and enthusiasm will be great in helping me during the WISE process.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Hey everyone! Currently cooling down from my workout - I know Monday's are rest days, but I just felt the urge to burn off some calories, and energy as well. I didn't do anything too strenuous, just about 45 minutes of cross training on the elliptical, and some weights and ab excersises as well. I'm getting a ride to the gym from my friend tomorrow, but weds and thurs I won't be able to get there. My mom has to go to Philly for the week for a family emergency, leaving me carless. I'll write again Friday ! - Rachel

Sunday, March 4, 2012

back on track

Hey everyone!

So yesterday I actually had a great day of working out. It was beautiful outside, so my friend and I decided we should go running at the inlet by Cass Park. We set out, and realized it was insanely windy and cold by the water. So we only ran about a 2 mile loop. Then we drove over to the gym and ran another mile and did some weights and stretching.

Today, I got to the gym only 30 minutes before it closed, (annoying Sunday closing hours..) so I could only run about a mile after 15 minutes of elliptical and stretching.

Still, it's better than nothing! My long days are around 3 miles now, so hopefully within the next week I'll work that up a bit!

- Rachel

Saturday, March 3, 2012

It's been a while...

Sorry about my lack of posting these past 2 weeks.
I've been so busy that getting to the gym itself, let alone working out to my full effort, has been quite difficult.

My mom got in a car accident, leaving us carless for about a week, which made getting to the gym impossible on some days. I also went away to MA to visit the school I'll be going to next year, which took a few days out of my schedule.

But I'm back on my work out flow and now I'm about to go to the gym. Yesterday I spent a good bit of time on the virtual reality bikes, you know, the ones that have the dragon game where you chase dragons and earn points? That bike left me feeling sore. I think I need to incorporate more kinds of cardio into my work outs, and less days of simply running.

Also  I'm looking up new stretches because I have been feeling like the ones I am doing may not be enough.

I'll try and update frequently now!!
- Rachel